
The Skill-Volution is Here: Time to Rethink Your Talent?

15 October 2024
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

The world of work is constantly battling macroeconomic challenges and is being reminded consistently to be agile and flexible to keep up with the latest trends.

A multitude of forward-thinking organisations are well and truly on their way to the next iteration of their talent strategy as the role of skills becomes how we understand our employees. Skills are the currency of the future. If we can understand the skills we have in our organisation and the skills we need now and into the future to succeed and grow, then our talent strategy can be revolutionised.

We are once again bringing together some of the brightest minds across Berlin from the world of HR, Go-To-Market and Technology for 3 roundtables which will look to debunk some of the myths around skills, how to integrate a skills culture and how we can build iterative processes.

Our hosts will be Becky Finnegan (Associate Director at Annapurna), Tom Walsh (Manager at Annapurna) and Florian Felsenreich (Associate Director), with the conversation likely following the below agenda points: 

  • What are you doing to assess the skills needed in the future for your team?
  • How is Data and AI impacting the plans for future hiring needs? How far into the future can we plan?
  • Where do you start on the skills journey? What are some of the potential hurdles and how we ensure it is embedded successfully?

The event will be held at the Hotel AMANO Mitte, where refreshments and drinks will be provided.

We will be aiming for around 15 people around each of the focused roundtables to ensure the attendee experience is the best it can be.

Please fill in your information below to register your interest.

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