
Glint is the people success platform that leverages real-time people data to help global organizations increase employee engagement, develop their people, and improve results. Leading brands like United, Intuit, and Sky leverage Glint’s unique combination of intuitive design, sophisticated analytics, and actionable intelligence to help employees be happier and more successful at work.

Annapurna Recruitment Partners Content Events

With these partners, we’ve hosted events on topics such as ‘How to Create a Flawless Candidate Experience’, ‘Evolving Value with Purpose: The Reimagined EVP’ or ‘Making Development Impactful, even with Dispersed Teams’.

Want to organise similar events to improve your EVP and attract more talent to your organisation?

Talk to the Events Team

Let’s help grow your business exponentially

We’ll take care of your hiring from start to finish, so you can focus on growing your business.

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