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ERUPT 2021: Innovation Beyond Survival – Highlights

On the 16th November 2021, The BTN hosted The #ERUPT2021 Conference which took place virtually! The conversation was around business transformation, with an emphasis on people, transformation and technology as we look at how to successfully (or sometimes unsuccessfully) deliver transformation. 

Given the nature of the year, we had over 1,000 global attendees who tuned in to listen to over 50 world-class speakers! Across the day, we had some incredible insights from speakers around a multitude of topics such as ‘Supercharging your business growth with a flexible workforce’, ‘where to start on your people analytics journey’, The DEI Bucket list’ and more! 

We provided you with key speakers who are at the forefront of their businesses from Barclays, easyJet, Rolls-Royce,, Virgin Money and MORE! See examples down below: 

Paulo Pisano (Chief People Officer at

Donna Verdi (Global Director, Learning & Development at Barclays)

Sally Simpson (Group Career and Skills lead at BT)

Salma de Graaff (VP People at Skyscanner)

Ella Bennett (Group People Officer at easyjet)

Simon Cunniffe (HR Shared Services Director at easyjet)

Syreeta Brown (Group Chief People and Communications Officer at Virgin Money)

Rebecca Green (Global Employer Brand & Talent Attraction lead at Rolls-Royce)

Tope Sadiku (Global Head of Digital Employee Experience at The Kraft Heinz Company)

Anthony Thompson (CEO at Loopin)

James Gale (CEO at Koda Cryptocurrency)

John Collins & Adam Mullen (Director of Vinted)

Yasar Ahmad (Global VP Talent at HelloFresh)

Don’t miss any of the #ERUPT2021 amazing speakers. If you missed #ERUPT2021 entirely, or you just wanted to catch up on a few sessions then we are delighted to let you know that 5 key videos have been converted to podcasts and are now available to listen to!

1. Is Neurodiversity the Secret to Bridging the Technology Talent Gap? – Access HERE!

2. Showcasing Value in the Modern Environment – Access HERE!

3. Remembering human creativity in the age of technology. The impact of mass-scale remote working on innovation – Access HERE!

4. New Leader Mosaic – Surfing the Waves of Change – Access HERE!

5. The Great Resignation: How technology is helping transform Learning and Career Development to mitigate the workforce exodus – Access HERE!

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