Jigsaw Cloud

At Jigsaw Cloud we're dedicated to helping our customers deliver an exceptional employee experience with SAP SuccessFactors.
Jigsaw Cloud has been supporting businesses with SAP SuccessFactors implementation, consultancy & support since 2004. We pride ourselves on our integrity, passion, and expertise in helping our customers to succeed in their HR transformation journey.
Imagine one system for all your HR needs allowing compliance, consistency and ease of management wherever your teams are located. As an award-winning SAP Gold partner we’ll help you put employee experience at centre-stage.

ERUPT Podcast

Across the course of our podcast episodes, we cover an array of topics including DE&I, Learning, Leadership, Process and Technology.

Discussions include interviews with industry leaders, as we aim to uncover some of the challenges and gain an insight into some of the fastest-growing organisations across the HR and Technology industries.

Listen to our latest episode

Let’s help grow your business exponentially

We’ll take care of your hiring from start to finish, so you can focus on growing your business.

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