HR Path

HR Path, an expert, and a major player in Human Resources, helps companies for who the human experience is essential to their digital transformation. Advise, Implement & Run are the 3 business lines of HR Path which contribute our customers corporate HR performance.
Created in 2001 in Paris, France and with its 1,300 talents, HR Path advises, integrates, and operates for more than 1,500 clients in 19 countries. Its turnover will amount to €140 million euros in March 2022.

ERUPT Podcast

Across the course of our podcast episodes, we cover an array of topics including DE&I, Learning, Leadership, Process and Technology.

Discussions include interviews with industry leaders, as we aim to uncover some of the challenges and gain an insight into some of the fastest-growing organisations across the HR and Technology industries.

Listen to our latest episode

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