
AppLearn is a leading digital adoption platform vendor that helps enterprises improve the data quality and productivity of their key internal systems. It does this by adding predictive analytics and personalized support to HCMs, ERPs, CRMs and beyond.

It’s Adopt platform helps organizations to see how their people use their tech and place real-time guidance in any app to support them while they work. Market-leading organizations are already using it to help their people finish processes in half the time and double the likelihood of accurate task completions.

Annapurna Recruitment Partners Content Events

With these partners, we’ve hosted events on topics such as ‘Remote(ly) Engaged: How to Communicate, Train & Lead’, ‘Digitalising & Scaling an Effective Coaching Culture’ or ‘Creating an Inclusive Culture for Hybrid and Remote Workers’.

Want to organise similar events to improve your EVP and attract more talents to your organisation?

Talk to the Events Team

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We’ll take care of your hiring from start to finish, so you can focus on growing your business.

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